Nicole Bateman is passionate about advocating to ensure the sensory and emotional needs of children are met to enable them to thrive in all settings.

She is an experienced teacher, best-selling author, mum of two, podcast host and business owner.

Having been teaching for 11 years she left in 2021 to support her neurodivergent son after he was diagnosed with epilepsy.

Her mission is to support fellow SEND parents and children with tools to support sensory, emotional and learning needs of children as well as ensure organisations are inclusive of neurodivergent children.

Her two businesses (The Super Sensory Squad and A Box Full of Joy) are built from the heart and she wants other SEND parents, like herself, to not feel alone in the fight to get the right support for their children (which is why she hosts her 'Conversations with a SEND Mum' Podcast).

Nicole Bateman is passionate about advocating to ensure the sensory and emotional needs of children are met to enable them to thrive.

She is an experienced teacher, best-selling author, mum of two, podcast host and business owner.

Having been teaching for 11 years she left in 2021 to support her neurodivergent son after he was diagnosed with epilepsy.

Her mission is to support fellow SEND parents and children with tools to support sensory, emotional and learning needs of children.

Her two businesses (A Box Full Of Joy and The Super Sensory Squad) are built from the heart and she wants other SEND parents, like herself, to not feel alone in the fight to get the right support for their children (which is why she hosts her 'Conversations with a SEND Mum' Podcast).

SEND Parent Support

Sensory Support

Exam Support

SEND Conference